Dillon thinks he's a Human Plunger


jooliej2000 said...

Hi Amy and Chad.
That is the funniest thing that I have seen in a while :)

The BEST part of it for me is that you didn't freak out and yell at Dillon. You just built another precious family moment.

I love you guys!!


Anonymous said...


Okay...your kid is playing in pee! How WRONG is that? I will remind him of this when he gives me a hard time later in life...."well, ya know, nephew, you used to dance in your pee...and the world got to watch it!!" That will work.....

Thanks for sharing!
My love to toilet boy---Aunt Mindy

Anonymous said...

That is too cute...but seriously he's gonna have to stop growing or he's gonna be bigger than me the next time I see him! He was tiny & in my arms last time

Anonymous said...

On the potty, in the potty...whats the difference. The important thing to notice is that he LIFTED THE SEAT!!!

Good Boy!

Anonymous said...

At least he's not afraid of the potty =)
