Home from Africa, off to MOPS!

Wow, I have been home a week already and took off to Florida for MOPS! It is a Mothers of Preschoolers conference. I am here with iQuestions to show moms the website. I went from rainstorms in Africa to rainstorms in Orlando. What happened to sunshine? I do have to say, the six days at home with my kids were very fast! Unpack, wash, and pack again! I am getting my mileage this month.

I am enjoying every moment here. I have had the joy of sharing stories about Ghana with a few people, been able to see Mops in action, and share iQuestions videos with these great moms. It is so amazing how God brings things together! I knew that I was going to be working our booth in Orlando, but I did not realize I would be here as a Mops leader too. Just like I didn't think I was going to do anything in Africa except work with the children, but I spoke at two different churches solo for an hour each time.

I am continually amazed and daily reminded of how much God loves me, He shows it in so many ways. He has shown me how to be comfortable speaking in front of people and gave me hope to fulfill the desires of my heart. Finally! I can now see myself in the future ministering to generations of women and children around the world. I know God has placed these things in my heart not for my own benefit, but for the benefit of others as well.

I am ready to Dwell Well as the conference kicks off! When we allow God to dwell is us, the things around us will appear sunny even though a tropical rainstrom (life's stuff) roles right by us. I look forward to this year and the outcomes that will manifest themselves. For example, when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly it goes from kinda ugly and boring to something beautiful and intriguing. May the things that seem somewhat plain and ordinary (dealing with our HOME work) seem like a breathe of fresh air and look like a beautiful sky with sun shining, even when it's just a bunch of clouds!


Anonymous said...

Amy... you're awesome!!!
so we definitely need to chat soo & in the meantime... you should check out my blog... I've had it for a month or so.

Amy Houck said...


Thank you!! Can't wait to see your blog:)