Children should know the real reason...

Telling your children to true meaning of Christmas will give them an example of truth. As children grow up they figure out that Santa Claus in not a real person or that he exists. I remember the time when I found out he was not real and I felt letdown and wondered why I a believed in something that was not even real and really didn't know what Christmas meant. I do have to say it was fun visiting Santa every year for pictures and telling him what I wanted for being a good girl. I want my children to have fun with Santa but also know the real meaning of Christmas. As they grow up they will be able to ask Jesus for the things they desire in life. He is always there whenever we call His name and will never leave us feeling letdown from not being real. I am so glad I get to share with my children the Real Reason for celebrating Christmas! May the lights that shine from our trees and houses show the trueness of what Jesus brought to earth the night He was born: a life full of Peace, Hope, Joy, and Love.

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