5 weeks to Depature!!

I can't believe that there is only 5 weeks until Chad and I take off for Ghana, Africa. Knowing that it has been over 4 to 5 years since we wanted to go the first time, it's hard to grasp what reality is, the flights are booked and the visas and passports are in hand! Now it's time to plan what I will be doing with the school children and preparing for all the unknown things. I pray that God will lead me and give me wisdom in what the needs are and how to prepare. I am so excited that I will get work with the children and be able to be apart of their day. I am realizing that as much as I can mentally prepare, I still will not know what to expect until I set foot on African soil. I have dreamed many times of what it will be like, now I finally get to experience first hand. What will be needs of these children, some of them who don't have a mom or dad? I know it will be hard be not to cry when I see some of these kids, may God give me peace so I can minister in the way He wants. I look forward to sharing more with you when we get there. His Grace be sufficient in every way!

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