How can a microwave mirror your life?

It seems funny to compare life to a microwave, but somehow they are very similar in how they relate. I was standing here making my lunch, well heating it up and wandered how a minute could take so long. Then proceeded to check the temperature of my food after I heard the beep and found myself rather disappointed when the outside was hot and the middle was still cold. It looked done from the outside and on the inside it hadn't even began to heat up. I just then realized that I am sorta like this piece of food. I look ready on the outside, when on the inside I am still at a chilling stage. I thought about for a minute and thought no that's not true, I am warm on the inside and getting hotter by the minute. I am developing into the women God has called me to be. Quite often I want to have it all together right away(done cooking) like that microwave, but sometimes it just takes time to become that women that God has promised me to be. So in the mean time I am going to try to look at each day as God is preparing me for the "big feast". It takes lots time to prepare all the different types of dishes and put them in order for a grand dinner, or life as I see it.