Can we start school please?

Wow, where did summer go? It is the end of August which means that it is time for me to take on a new role with our children, being their teacher. It's true! I am going to home school Emily and Dillon now that we will be on the road traveling place to place. The decision to go into full time ministry was easy to make. On the other hand I never felt the call to be a teacher or be my children's teacher until now. It is so amazing how God transformed my heart to want to be a part of what I think is the most important part of their lives. I am very excited to start this new venture with them even if it is just Preschool. The days are getting closer and I can't wait to see their faces light up knowing that they finally get to do school!! I have been asked all summer long to start school with them. Knowing that I will be doing it three days a week and for almost the rest of their childhood, I decided they could wait a little longer. The wait is almost over...I am not sure I am ready for them to grow up so quickly.

We are off to Dallas this coming week and then...we will see!

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